1. Name of Organisation : Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Pensioners Welfare Association
2. Address : Registered: B-7/1, LDA Flats, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow 226 020 : For corresponden
3. Areas of work : All over India and abroad
4. Membership of organization and categories of Members :
Admission Fee : 100/-
- Life Members :
Rs. 1000.00 for pensioners covered by Grade 1-9 (= PB-1&2);
Rs. 2000.00 for those covered by Grade 1-9 (= PB-3);
Rs. 3000.00 for those covered by Grade 1-9 (= PB-4);
- Family Pensioner : The spouse of a member is eligible to become a member of the Association on payment of a nominal fee of Rs 500.00.
The others will pay the full membership fee as per the retiree's grade.
- Ordinary Member : Rs. 600.00 annual subscription for pensioners of all pay categories.
5. Operational Rules:
The CPWA will be the umbrella body and Branches/Affiliates will be now onwards will be named as Centres.
- The CPWA now onwards will have only Centres.
- The Centres will have all financial autonomy including separate PAN and registration certificate from their respective States and carry out activities as per the aims and objectives of the CPWA.
- The Centres will contribute 40% of the membership fees of each new member enrolled, to CPWA headquarter.
- The CPWA will issue I.D. card to all new members based on the information provided by the Centres. The CPWA will bear the charges for preparation of the ID card.
- The CPWA will also provide partial support for AGM.
- For formation of new Centre, minimum 10 members required.
6. Cessation of membership:
- 1. On death ;
- 2. On becoming insane;
- 3. Not paying membership subscription regularly ;
- 4. On conviction by a court of law for a criminal offence ;
- 5. On committing any act harmful to the organization ;
- 6. On passing of a no-confidence motion or resignation;
- 7. On cessation of Pension by CSIR.
7. Constituents of the Organization:
- 1. General Body;
- 2. Management Committee
- Formation: Life Members and ordinary members of the organization together constitute General Body.
- Meeting: Ordinary meetings of the General Body shall be held once a year, immediately after the ending of the financial year of the organization but within a period of three months. Special meeting can be held at any time with due notice to members.
- Period of Notice: Ordinary meeting of the General Body will require prior written notice of 15 days and special meeting of that of 7 days.
- Quorum: Quorum for ordinary meeting shall be the presence of 2/3 of members. In case the quorum is incomplete, the meeting shall be adjourned and there will be no restriction of quorum for the reconvened meeting.
- Date of Annual Meeting : Annual Meeting of the General Body shall be held once every year whose date shall be fixed by majority vote of the Management Committee.
- Rights and Duties of the General Body:
- 1. Election of the Management Committee ;
- 2. Passing the annual budget of the organization ;
- 3. Approval of the annual report of the organization ;
- 4. To decide the policy matters of the organization.
- Constitution:
The Management Committee shall consist of the following members elected by the General Body:
Secretary General-1;
General Secretary-1;
Secretary (Pub.)-1;
Secretary (Coor. & Liason)-1;
Secretary (Social Activities)-1;
Members-7 and Representative of each Centre-1.
The total number can be reduced or increased
if necessary. Ex-President will be Emeritus President of the new Management Committee.
- Meeting: Ordinary meeting of the Management Committee shall be held
four times a year and special meeting can be called whenever necessary.
- Period of Notice: Ordinary meeting of the Management Committee
can be called with 7 days prior notice and special meeting at 24 hours prior notice if necessary.
Quorum: Quorum for Management Committee shall be presence of 2/3 of its members.
In case the quorum is incomplete the meeting will be adjourned and there will be no
restriction of quorum for the reconvened meeting.
Filling of vacant posts:
Any unforeseen vacancy occurring
in the Management Committee shall be filled for the remaining term of office by
majority of 2/3 of the members of the General Body.
Rights and duties of the Management Committee:
1. To take all necessary actions for progress of the organization;
2. To prepare the annual budget and annual report of the organization;
3. To approve formation of Centres;
4. To accept donations, grants, subscriptions and use them for development of the organization;
5. To accept from the Central Government and other sources loans, grants, and donations for fulfilling the objectives.
- Election of MC:
The nominations for the positions
of MC will be invited from all the Centres/constituent units.
Two weeks time will be provided to send the nomination.
An election officer will be appointed by the Headquarters to
conduct the election during the AGB every alternate year.
- Tenure: The tenure of Management Committee shall be two years.
The office bearers can be re-elected for any number of times.
8. Right and duties of the office bearers of the Management Committee:
1. To preside over all meetings ;
2. In case of equal votes, to give his casting vote ;
3. To do any other act for the development of the organization.
- Vice-President:
In the absence of the President, to carry out the functions assigned by him and to
do any other acts for the development of the organization.
- Secretary General: To coordinate with General Secretary and Secretaries and carry out such
other duties as assigned by the Management Committee.
- General Secretary:
1. To implement the decisions of Management Committee;
2. To approve the expenditure within the approved budget;
3. To safeguard the movable and immovable properties of the organization
and to keep watch on them;4. To accept help, donations and grants to augment funds;
5. To sign all bills, vouchers, cheques and such documents;
6. To carry on all correspondence on behalf of the organization;
7. To enter the names of the members in a register;
8. To give notice of meetings in writing;
9. To read out and get ratified the proceedings of meetings;
10. To do any other work for the development of organization.
- Secretary (Admin.):
1. In the absence of the General Secretary to carry out the duties assigned by him;
2. To help in the administration of the organization ;
3. To carry out all duties as directed by the General Secretary of the organization.
- Secretary (Coor. & Liason):
To establish contact / correspondence with its Centres and other Pensioners Associations.
- Secretary (Pub.): To perform all works concerning publication, advertisement and publicity.
- Secretary (Games)): To organise Indoor games and tournaments.
- Secretary (Social)): To organise social activities.
9. Procedure for modification of Rules and Bye-Laws of the organization:
"The Management Committee (MC) may recommend change (s) approved by 2/3 of its members present at its duly constituted meeting. Change (s) may also be proposed by any member of the Association supported by at least 10 members and submitted to MC at least 3 months before the Annual General Body Meeting to enable its processing. All proposed amendment (s) will be communicated at least 6 weeks before the AGM to the members through the Secretaries of Centres where they exist and through Headquarters (for non-attached members) with the deadline for the replies to reach Headquarters, two weeks before the date of AGM. The proposals supported by at least 2/3 members will be placed before AGM for endorsement and incorporation in the Bye-Laws of the Association".
10.Funds of the Organization: The funds of the organization shall be deposited in an account opened in the name of the organization in a nationalized/scheduled bank which shall be operated under the joint signatures of any two of the following: Secretary General, General Secretary and Treasurer.
11. Audit of the account of income and expenditure of the organization:
The audit of the income and expenditure account of the organization shall be carried out every year by a qualified auditor who shall be appointed by the Management Committee.
12. Financial year of the organization: The financial year of the organization shall be from 1st January to 31st December.
13.Responsibility for conducting legal proceedings by or against the organization: Responsibility for conducting legal proceedings by or against the organization shall be that of the Secretary General or any person authorized by him.
14. Records of the organization:
- 1. Membership Register ;
- 2. Proceeding Book ;
- 3. Stock Register ;
- 4. Cash Book, Ledger, etc.
15. Dissolution of the organization shall be done under Societies Registration Act 21 of 1860,
Section 13 and 14.
16. Affiliation:
The organization shall be entitled to affiliate any or all CSIR Pensioners Associations
existing / newly formed as Centres of organization, subject to approval by two-third majority of
the Management Committee.
Sd/- 1. R. P. Rastogi;
- 2. J. K. Johri;
- 3. Farhat N. Jaffery;
- 4. A. K. Agarwal;
- 5. Shashi K. Bajpai
- 6. G. P. Singh;
- 7. M. S. Singh;
- 8. M. S. Mehrotra